June 24, 2011
For Immediate Release
Contact: Bernie Weisenfeld- PIO
Brandon Cohen, a seven year-veteran of the West Deptford Township (NJ) Police Department, has been sworn in as a detective with the Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office.
Cohen, whose father retired as principal of West Deptford High School, will be assigned to the GCPO fugitive unit.
A West Deptford detective for the past 18 months, Cohen “comes highly recommended and has had an outstanding law enforcement career,” said Prosecutor Sean F. Dalton at a swearing-in ceremony Monday (6/20).
The prosecutor told Cohen he’s joining a group of investigators for whom “the mission is the most important thing,” who work well together and with other agencies. “I know you will teach us something and these guys will teach you some things as well,” he said.
GCPO Chief of Investigators Fred Suter said he once conducted a test of Cohen’s professionalism when he happened to be in West Deptford on police work and was invited to “mess with the new guy.” Suter said he got into the back of a cruiser and pretended to be an arrested subject. “I tried pushing all the buttons to see how he would react. He had a couple of good lines he came back with, but he was professional all the time. Several years later, I can see your reputation precedes
you, as a talented investigator and quality law enforcement officer.” Suter also thanked West Deptford Chief Craig Mangano for a “cooperative working relationship” with the GCPO.