Monday, January 25, 2010

Security industry group honors GCPO detective

January 20, 2010
For Immediate Release
Contact: Bernie Weisenfeld- PIO
Phone: (856) 384-5617; Pager (856) 251-4736

The South Jersey chapter of ASIS International, a security industry association, is to present a law enforcement recognition award tonight to Det. Deon Henry for his work on preventing the spread of criminal street gangs in Gloucester County.

Det. Henry, who is currently assigned to the Intelligence Unit of the GCPO, has been active with the G.R.E.A.T. (Gang Resistance Education and Training) program, a school-based, 13-session law enforcement officer-instructed classroom curriculum. Several local schools have used the program, designed to discourage youth violence, delinquency and gang membership, at the elementary and middle school levels.

Det. Henry conducts staff training at 10 local schools, teaches the GREAT program in four schools, and has also given presentations on gang awareness and the street gang mindset for community organizations, sociology classes at Gloucester County College and the county mayor’s association.

The ASIS award is to be presented at an awards banquet 5:30 tonight at the Pine Hill Golf Club, Pine Hill NJ. In announcing the recognition, ASIS said, “Detective Deon Henry should be applauded for his involvement with our schools. His investment in our children can only enhance their lives.”

Added Prosecutor Sean F. Dalton, “over the years, Deon Henry has done more to educate young people about the dangers of gangs than just about anyone in Gloucester County. He has been an important part of our community outreach efforts in the area of gang education and prevention. We appreciate ASIS recognizing his fine work.”