Thursday, August 4, 2011

Glassboro Man Guilty of Gun Possession by Felon

July 29, 2011
For Immediate Release
Contact: Bernie Weisenfeld- PIO

David L. Carr (DOB 7/25/56), of Glassboro, was convicted by a Gloucester County jury today of possession of a rifle by a felon, a second-degree crime that will imprison him for at least five years and as many as ten years.

The rifle was found during execution of a search warrant at Carr’s 53 South Academy St. residence in Glassboro on March 20, 2009. In addition to Carr, two women were arrested and less than a half-ounce of crack cocaine in plastic bags was retrieved from a toilet in a bathroom where the women were found. The rifle for which Carr was convicted was found in a closet in Carr’s bedroom. Assistant Gloucester County Prosecutor Joseph More stressed the location of the weapon when the defense raised questions about its ownership.

The jury in Carr’s three-day trial acquitted him on charges of possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of CDS with intent to distribute and distribution of CDS within 500 feet of public housing.

The weapons offense on which Carr was convicted was based on prior offenses which prohibited him from owning a firearm. The most recent crime was his 1995 conviction for fourth-degree unlawful possession of a weapon.

Superior Court Judge Walter L. Marshall Jr, continued Carr’s bail, in light of the defendant’s medical condition, and scheduled sentencing for Sept. 9.